BEYUNIK VENTURES offers its customers the best shopping experience by providing best-in-class services even after purchasing the product. We understand a customer’s curiosity which is why assure the shipment of all our products within 4 days from our warehouse and depending on the serviceable delivery pin code, your order should reach you within 10-15 days from the date of order. We are committed to delivering your order accurately, in good condition, and always on time as promised by us. Our happy customers are a proof of our top-grade shipment and delivery services.
We ship on all week days (Monday to Saturday), excluding public holidays.
To ensure that your order reaches you as soon as possible and in its best condition, we only ship through reputed courier agencies. If you still believe that the product is not in good condition, or the packaging is tampered with or damaged, we encourage you to kindly drop us a mail at We shall make our best efforts to ensure that a replacement delivery is made to you at the earliest.
Please note all items (including gifts) will be shipped in a wrapped box with invoice mentioning the price, as per Indian Tax Regulation along with the warranty card.